Wednesday 31 December 2014


At night I went to dinner to  my uncle's house, with my father's family. My uncle and my aunt prepared a grab dinner standing with a lot of food to taste. Later all my family, except me, did the invisible friend; jackets, colognes, videogames... The same as all the years.
Last day I did the same as always: I go to my granny's house, I lunch there, and later I'm bored until we go home (about eight o'clock).
I have to recognize all is not boring... My grandmother and my uncle give me some money, and that compensate the rest.
A lot of people are against massive consumption of these dates. I do, but they must to be respective and take into account that is a Cristian celebration. Santa Claus and all that are recently. 

Monday 24 November 2014


 I wrotte this entry because in class we learnt how to do an informal email and we must to practice.

Dear Magaly, I wrotte this email to  thank you for all.
This summer was one of the bests of my life, you welcomed me like if I were of your family. I knew you but Iwasn't sure about going but when I land in USA and I see you with Ramon, Nick, Emma, and Isa I was so happy. Throughout all thoose weeks I felt like in my house. There I went to parties,  I met a lot of nice people, I played with them... You even you took me to Six Flags! I've never forgget that. Too I went to a camp in the prestigious university of KEAN. In there I met spanish people and I walked all the New York city: the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, the MoMa, the 11/9 Mouseum and so much more.

PS: Tell Emma to come next summer

Wednesday 19 November 2014

The Maze Runner

This is my third Original Version Project and it was great, like the last two. I love this project because I enjoy meet with different people and is better when we go to the cinema.

Thursday 18 September 2014

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Today, i'm going to write about a game, this game is Skyrim and it's the five of a collection called The Elder Scrolls: Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind and Oblivion -Each game's plot happens on the different zones of Tamriel, the country-.
The principal objective of this game is to kill the king of the dragons, Alduin. He was defeated long time ago, but now is back and he is reviving all the other dragons. So your principal work is to make you own way to kill the dragons, but they are not the only enemies because there are draurgs (nordics undeads), heretics, beasts, trolls, vampires and so much more. In this game you can discover the huge map and help people of the towns, that are secondary misions. And there is a civil war behind imperials and layers of the storm, you can choose the side you can fight for, or be neutral. Sometimes the jarl (governor of a town) tells to you a task to do for him or her. This is the first game that make the real role of your character; you can choose differents answer in almost all the questions, you don't need to do the principal mision to up levels since 81. There are eighteen abilities to up, and you decide wich one you want to make better but they are "separated" in three groups: warrior, wizard and shadow. And at the end I tell you the best thing for me, the races: imperial, khajita, redguard, orc, high elf, forest elf, dark elf, argonian, nordic and breton.
I have choosen this topic to do my entry because I played this game a lot in the summer and I love it.

Welcome to Skyrim, the game where you decide!

Monday 1 September 2014

My Summer in EE.UU

This summer I stayed in New Jersey with a family. They are friends of my parents since a long time ago. My brother was there four years ago (with my age) and their middle boy came here the last summer. So, it was my turn.
I wanted to go since two years ago but I couldn't go. When I was in Barajas (I took the plane from Madrid), I felt like very nervous, it was going to be a long time in the plane. That plane had seven sits by line, it was huge. Eight and half hours later we land in JFK, one of the airports of New York. A worker start to talk me in English so fast so I didn't understand anything, I feel a little confused, I was alone in another country, trying to say that I was understanding nothing, but the worker still talking to me. Then I follow him and I found, finally, a woman who talked Spanish, she helped me to pass the controls and everything (there was a lot of them) and later I found "my family" in the gate, waiting for me.
In the following days I didn't do anything special, try new games in PS4 and Xbox and not much more, I already had the jet lag. One week later I went to a camp on KEAN University, first week I started 9'00am and I finished at 10'30pm, but the next week I slept there. In that camp we visited a lot of museums, monuments and important places like: the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, the MoMa, the 11/9  Memorial and Museum, Central Park, Natural History Museum, Times Square, Washington Square Park, 5th Avenue (it was the same day that we went to a party for Independence Day of USA, and later we see fire works in river Hudson shore)...
The following days I went to a lot of parties, to the cinema, to a ride in bike, every days to walk the dog with almost the hold family by separated and talking with them. Too we went to the beach twice that is so far. And the two better things for me: they took me to a baseball game on the Yankee Stadium!. And like if all this weren't enough, we went to Six Flags!!! It is one of the most biggest and better amousements parks in the world. On here you can see the different atractions that I rode.

Thursday 28 August 2014

Arround the World in 80 Days

All the story starts in a club for rich people, like Mr. Fogg and he was talking with his friends about a challenge; make a tour arround the  world in 80 days. They were discussing about if it can be possible or not. Phileas Fogg was saying of course it's possible, but the rest didn't believe him. Then one of the men and Phileas made the bet, a serious bet, a lot of money was at stake.
So he hire a boy who is going to help him all the travel, but it's not enough help for the danger that is waiting for them, starting by his friends... 

I like this book beacuse there is a lot of adventure and action. They take ships, trains, an elefant journey... and suspense.